Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Productive Muslim - Part 2 : The Definition and Triangle of Productivity

اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَا تُهُ
Sorry for the late coming of the second part. Been have some setbacks recently.

Okay, as promised, in this part, I'll explain the DEFINITION of Productivity and the TRIANGLE of Productivity.

Definition of Productivity

There are various definitions of productivity, but I'll take he one that Brother Faris shared. He gave the above "Productivity Equation". Productivity equals to Focus times Energy times Time. Everyone can guess that probably. The better definition is that productivity is about making the SMART choices in our life, using our given energy, focus and time to maximize our own potential, towards maximizing our reward to the Akhirah. As Muslims, the last part was necessary. But, if as just human, only the first part is already considered productive.

As an example. There is one gamer. He is focused on playing Dota 2 or Skyrim or anything else. He can play it all day long; he has the energy and time, that he can achieve like 20-30 levels. As human being, or as a gamer, we would say that he is productive, for the game. But, as a Muslim, is he productive enough? Did all this can maximize his reward in Akhirah? It's up to you to answer that.

Now, back to the definition. There is stated that it's about making smart choices. Try making a choice that is beneficial to you. Make a decision that grant you benefits rather than bad effects on you. For example, make a choice on doing exercises rather than just lazying around. Not only exercising would fill your time, but also can keep you healthy.

For your information, productivity is not an EVENT, but rather a process. You won't wake up in the morning and suddenly felt productive. NO. It's a process. A Learning Process (a bit promo...ahakss). We have to take steps to be productive. And also, being productive is not about being busy, it's about being organize. It's a fun lifestyle.

Triangle of Productivity

To be productive, this triangle would be essential. Using the triangle would be easy, just have to;
"Put on a sincere intention, work hard (continuously) towards your goal, and don't worry about the outcome, as Allah would determines the results."
Putting on a sincere intention would be easy. Everyone would already know how to do it. It's also the same as taking action (work hard). As for the results, don't worry so much over it. Just leave it to Allah. This is what we call Tawakal. We just need to do our part, which is try our best, and Allah will do the rest. However, the problem comes when we need to be discipline (continuously work hard). I admit, I also have this problem. But, being discipline is very crucial. Without discipline, we would only work hard when we feel like it, and won't be very productive. It is said that; we would always be discipline the moment we least want to.

There are several ways to build up our discipline. Firstly, we have to give up our silly excuses. To do this, we have to find out what are the excuses that we give that prevents us from being productive. For example, we wish to finish our work everyday. But, we kept on procrastinating on it by giving excuses such as, 'we can do it tomorrow', or 'I'll do it tonight'. To give up these excuses, we need to have the excuse buster. Every time your mind come up with these excuses, try to counter it. For example, when you said that 'we can do it tomorrow', try to counter it by saying that 'tomorrow might have other plans' or any other excuse buster (don't have to follow others). Use one that is suitable for you, as long as it would make you do your work.

Secondly, we need to have these ingredients to develop discipline. The first one is have a higher purpose/reward. Set a high purpose for everything we do. Example when we study. Our purpose might only be like to get As in exams. These purpose is sometimes not very effective that we would stop to study. Try setting a higher purpose such as to be a doctor, an engineer or even to get a place to study overseas. These higher purposes would drive us to become more discipline. The second ingredient to develop discipline is to practice, practice, practice. The same as being productive, being discipline won't come easily. It requires a log of practice. It takes time. Don't give up on becoming discipline. The last ingredient is to have self accountability. Be responsible of yourself. This part is highly dependent on yourself. Make sure that you would do your part so that you can become much more disciplined.

That's all for Part 2. Briefly, this part covers about the definition of productivity and the triangle of productivity. Hope it would bring benefits to us all.
If there is any lacking or mistakes, do tell me.
InsyaAllah, on the next part, I'll start with the Framework of Productivity. Till next time.

Part 1.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

12 Rabiul Awal 1434 Hijrah...

اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَا تُهُ

Alhamdulillah, Allah telah mempertemukan kita sekali lagi pada hari yang bermakna dan mulia ini. Hari ini, Khamis bertarikh 24 Januari 2013. Sekali pandang, bukankah ini hari biasa, yang berbeza cuma ada cuti. Tapi, dari segi Islam nya, hari ini bertarikh 12 Rabiul Awal 1434 Hijrah. Hari ini merupakan hari kelahiran junjungan besar kita, iaitu Nabi Muhammad SAW. Seorang manusia agung, yang merupakan kekasih Allah dan juga pesuruh Allah. Seorang manusia yang telah memikul tanggungjawab bagi menyebarkan agama Islam.

Sebagai umat Islam, dan umat Muhammad, baginda sepatutnya menjadi yang kedua dalam senarai kecintaan kita, selepas Allah SWT. Dalam rukun Islam yang pertama, yakni mengucap dua khalimah Syahadah, kita ada bersaksi kenabian baginda selepas kita bersaksi ketuhanan Allah. Ini menunjukkan betapa istimewanya baginda dalam agama itu sendiri.

Berbincang tentang kecintaan kita terhadap baginda, pada akhir zaman ini, terutama sekali setelah kewafatan baginda, umat Muhammad tidak dapat lagi bertemunya. Tidak dapat bertentang mata dengannya. Tidak dapat bertanyakan soalan secara terus kepada baginda. Dan bermacam-macam lagi kesempatan yang kita telah terlepas. Namun begitu, baginda telah meninggalkan kepada kita al-Quran, al-Sunnah serta sirah beginda untuk menjadi tatapan kita. Ada riwayat yang mengatakan Rasulullah SAW sendiri amat merindui untuk bertemu dengan kita, umat akhir zaman (insyaAllah). Baginda ada menyebut bahawa baginda ingin bertemu dengan kita ynag BERIMAN kepada al-Quran serta al-Sunnah, walaupun tidak pernah berjumpa dengan baginda. Kita ini istimewa. Walaupun tidak dapat bertemu Rasulullah di dunia ini, baginda sudah merindui kita.

Dengan itu, seharusnya kita membalas kembali kerinduan Rasulullah dengan mencintai baginda. Di sini ingin diketengahkan beberapa sebab mengapa kita perlu mencintai baginda.

1 - Baginda mencintai umatnya.
Rasulullah merupakan seorang manusia yang penyayang. Baginda sering mendahulukan orang lain sebelum dirinya sendiri. Sebuah kisah yang terkenal adalah ketika baginda hampir wafat. Diriwayatkan bahawa baginda berkata "Ummati, Ummati, Ummati" yang bermaksud 'Umatku, Umatku, Umatku'. Walau dihujung nyawa baginda, baginda masih lagi memikirkan tentang kita. Betapa pentingnya kita dalam hati baginda.

2 - Baginda pemberi syafaat di Akhirat.
Kita manusia yang hina. Sering melakukan dosa dan sering melakukan maksiat. Ini akan menyebabkan kita sukar untuk memasuki syurga Allah. Namun begitu, baginda Rasulullah SAW telah diberi oleh Allah kelebihan untuk memberi syafaat kepada kita di Akhirat kelak. Jika kita tidak mencintai baginda, adakah kita akan mendapat syafaat tersebut. Kita mungkin akan terjerumus ke neraka (Na'uzubillah). Namun, dengan syafaat baginda, insyaAllah, kita akan mampu ke syurga.

3 - Baginda dimuliakan oleh penduduk langit dan bumi.
Baginda amatlah disayangi oleh penduduk-penduduk langit, seperti para malaikat. Mereka mengucapkan selawat kepada baginda.

4 - Baginda dimuliakan oleh sahabat dan lawan.
Para sahabat dengan tidak syak lagi memandang tinggi terhadap baginda. Mereka melayannya dengan begitu baik. Sehingga ramai dikalangan mereka yang sanggup mengorbankan nyawa mereka bagi melindungi baginda. Dari pandangan pihak lawan, mereka menghormati baginda yang merupakan pemimpin dan panglima perang yang hebat, serta seorang yang baik hati walaupun terhadap lawan.

Kalau ikutkan memang banyak lagi sebab untuk kita memberikan kecintaan kita terhadap baginda, tetapi rasanya 4 sebab inilah sebab utamanya. InsyaAllah moga ianya bermanfaat.
Jika terdapat sebarang kesilapan/kesalahan mahupun kekurangan, dialu-alukan untuk ketengahkannya.

P/S : Sikap kita mungkin tidak sempurna. Akan tetapi kita boleh cuba mencontohi daripada yang terbaik, Rasulullah. Biar kita mula sedikit demi sedikit, asalkan kita istiqamah. Jemput layan video berkenaan itu; Aku Juga Sayang Rasul.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Productive Muslim - Part 1 : The Basics

اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَا تُهُ
It has been a while since I wrote, and I'm back, and writing in English. This would mark the starting of my own English column for this blog. (I think this was unnecessary..haha)

Okay, back to the point. Last weekend, Alhamdulillah, I was given the opportunity to attend a seminar conducted by the Productive Muslim, organised by One Heart Creative Solutions at IIUM (a bit of publicity). It's a seminar on becoming a Productive Muslim. The seminar was conducted by Brother Faris, the CEO of Productive Muslim himself. The seminar was conducted in English, so I think it would be better to share it in English, so it would be easier. There would be several parts (I don't know how much it would be), so stay tuned.

So, let's get started. We'll start with the basics of productivity. As a Muslim, we should look productivity HOLISTICALLY. Don't look it only on the point of Dunya. Think of it in a point that would help us in the Akhirah. We humans are a slave on Earth. Productivity would occur when we fulfill our purpose as slave of Allah. So, that means that productivity should occur for our WHOLE life. Then, a question rises; "When do we rest?" I'm not sure where this quote came, but here;
But, that doesn't mean we don't rest at all. After all, we are humans, and we do need some rest.

So, finished with the basics. Now, we go to the senses that are needed to be productive. There are 4 senses that are needed for us to be productive.

Number 1; the Sense of Purpose.
We as Muslims have been made as slaves on Earth. Therefore, our purpose is clear; to worship our Creator, Allah. Forms of worship include those which are obligated (Salah, Hajj etc) and which are personal (all the sunat; zikr, dhuha etc).

Number 2; the Sense of Urgency.
As humans, we have been given with time. We have to know that time is always running, even if we don't want to. We also have to realize that we have a short lifetime. We won't know when we will die, so use the given time wisely.

Number 3; the Sense of Gratitude.
Allah have given us a lot of nikmah. From the healthy body, to our ability to see, or even given the chance to live. We should be thankful. Give our gratitude by using all this blessings to a good use.

Number 4; the Sense of Service.
Islam is a community based religion. We should think of any way that we can contribute and be of any help to others.

InsyaAllah, this would be all for the first part. I don't want to write too long as people wouldn't want to read posts that are too long (for me at least). I break it into parts so that we can do it little by little. I'll continue on the definitions and the rest next time.

If there are any points that I left out or any wrong information, feel free to tell me (please).
Till next time, insyaAllah.

Part 2.